
61 thoughts on “Cover”

    1. I probably should update the website and… I am thinking on relaunching BLU, I am pretty sure that redoing would make this comic a big favor… it’s been years since I updated it…

  1. I cried
    I want you to visit
    At least once
    I dont care when
    I’m constantly upset about something
    This is never fair

    I mean, if she meant visit, then sure

    1. What an awful joke to make, to be honest.
      Let’s hope that next year brings a lot of nice things and maybe a visit, if possible. No guarantees there.
      Enjoy the summer, are you going to be out or you staying this time?

  3. I’m going out
    also my sidekick gave stuff to others and my dumb self ran and stole something and gave it to them upside-down and ran out the room

    1. hahah OMG that probably was hilarious.
      Though it’s probably best if you don’t go around saying that you still talk to me… Someone will end up telling you it’s inappropriate and they might be right.
      As you know how many times I told you you should spend all this time and energy with people your age!

  4. I am
    I dont go around telling others that I do
    I just tease the mentor cause its funny
    I’m more careful than you think
    I stay with everyone my age but it feels annoying
    Plus it’s not a cultural thing anyway

  5. Got dared to do digital art and I don’t have a mouse nor an apple pen so I went on my ipad and did art with my fingers

    1. Lots of people do that anyway!
      BTW, guess who failed the driving test.
      Going to hide on the shame corner for a while.

    1. I wish I could post gifs in the comments. I have one I made a couple of years ago of me inside a Garbage can called “comfort zone”.
      That’s me right now.
      Going to stay here a couple of days and then back to the stupid hazard part of the test, because I passed the theory, but those stupid hazard clips are difficult to time when to click.


  6. Calm down
    My sister failed the actual one 4 times so she had to redo it
    Plus I don’t know why you want a car
    It’s more dangerous but ok
    I dont understand people’s emotions and I don’t know why it’s just weird
    But yeah

    1. Well, unfortunately, the place I go has very little transport around, so a 25 minutes trip by car becomes a 2 hours if there are no cancellations. And there are PLENTY of cancellations.
      I am wasting a huge part of everyday in transport. It’s tiring, really draining. End of day, is a quality of life thing. And sadly, it’s cheaper by car.
      And I want to drive my cute car!

  7. But then again
    Traffic exists
    And you are still technically using transport just your the one driving
    At least its not almost 1 hour and the place is toxic
    But anyways
    Using a car has benefits
    But financially (kinda but not so many benefits) however it’s a better use than a bus in your case
    Sorry business is taking over me

    1. Hahaha it’s ok. Mostly I never bothered to think on having a car because financially was worse. But now I have to pay multiple different transports for what should be a short ride, I pay zero tax on the car and a full coverage insurance which is not too expensive (because car is old haha), and because is a small car, it has really low fuel consumption. I did actually count how much fuel we were spending… and at the end, it’s cheaper to buy and maintain the car than the transport.
      Which I find ridiculous. Should be cheaper to move a lot of passenger at the same time than only one.
      The hell is wrong with the not-so-public transport?

  8. Ummm I’m in the same slight predicament as you
    I dont have a car either
    My father ruined it but not beyond repair it was the repair people that made it worse and overflowed it with oil and told us it was safe to ride in it and it was insured and everything like that
    But anyways
    I dont have a car so I have gone absolutely nowhere

  9. Sad times
    I’m literally throwing up
    And coughing
    And I dont have any other problems
    This is depressing
    R.I.P my throat
    I guess it’s because I’m being forced to run a long amount of 5 hours in the scorching sun and stuff
    And I also ripped my right hands skin off because it slipped while I was up a tree

  10. It’s gonna get worse
    I’m going back to my country for 2 weeks
    But the thing is
    I’m going back to my country
    And going back to the other
    And then going back to my country
    So its aight

    1. Woah, busy summer.
      Instead I already spent 2 weeks mostly sleeping around.
      Because, why not.
      Next week will be different. I have people visiting.

  11. I’m not allowed
    My mother has just been yelling at me
    And then forgetting about me
    And then I’m just sitting here doing as much work as possible
    And I’ve stressed myself out
    And stuff is going wrong
    And I dont want to be here
    But at least my mother will be distracted in Kosovo and I will be left alone

    1. It is something, hopefully you can find a way to distract yourself. Please take good care of yourself.
      Hopefully you’re feeling a bit better by now.

  12. I’m a bit better but that won’t stop me from throwing up
    I cannot revise like this I cant sit still and I can’t concentrate and it’s annoying
    I can’t find a revision technique because none of them work
    I’m trying
    But its not working
    All I’ve been doing is drawing

    1. Well, drawing is not bad if it calms you, still I would suggest you might find some techniques online for reviewing? Might be worth try a few ones and see which one works better for you.
      Hopefully you get better soon, but please, visit a GP if you don’t recover.

  13. I can’t until my mum know what to do about this situation
    I am fine just another trauma thing occurred
    I am over it tho
    I dont care at all
    Just know that it’s me and my mum and my sibling
    (No other parent anymore)
    Hes fine
    But I dont want to see him ever again

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